Nintendo Wii Tracker User Comments
This website ROCKS! I've been looking in stores for the last month and never could find one. I heard about the website thru a newspaper article and decided to try it this past weekend. On Monday I was able to buy a bundle from Toys-R-Us. I told two other co-workers about the site and they also got one. It arrived on Thursday without a hitch. If you're worried abot getting games you don't want, I spoke to a Toys-R-Us customer representative today who told me I could mail back any games I don't want for a refund (and keep the console).
I started my Wii quest this week after finding out that my wife was trying to surprise me with one this Christmas. She was having no luck so I started using this site and today I got a Wii from Amazon. I was so excited to see it available, I clicked and bought one right away. After I was done, I wasn't even sure what I bought because I wanted to purchase it quickly before it went out of stock. Now we will have a fun Christmas playing with our new toy. I really appreciate the folks that put this site together. I was starting to think that I was SOL. Leveraging technology and having patience was key. Thank you!
Thanks a million. My boyfriend thought Christmas was ruined after waiting outside stores in the cold 3 weekends in a row and always missing a Wii by a few people. All he had for me were controllers, a game and no Wii console to go with them. Thanks to your site I got a Wii on amazon this morning and Christmas is saved! I really hope the majority of people benefitting from this site are people like me who desparately want one, and not the people trying to make a profit on ebay!!
Even this late, December 21st, Amazon says I'll have it on the 24th. Thank you so much, I still can't believe I was able to get one!!
I too join the lucky others who were able to secure a Wii because of your website. I ordered the Walmart bundle and everything was delivered as promised. The bundle is for my godson and I can hardly wait until Christmas. This Christmas will be extra special because of you! Many thanks and Merry Christmas!!
Thank you so much!!! I got my Wii today from Amazon for 258! Your site worked great, and was right on!!! Thanks for making my husbands xmas extra special!!!
My daughter is getting her wii under the tree this year, and its all thanks to you!!!
I want to thank you for such a great service. I just grabbed a WII from Sears. No way I would have been able to purchase without this site. Happy Holiday to all of you.
this website is amazing and I was finally able to get my hands on a Wii! thanks!!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SETTING UP THIS SITE!! My family and I decided to get a Wii as a sort of family Christmas gift but we were all sure that we wouldn't be able to find one until well after the holidays. I was the hopeful in the family and made sure I kept my eye on the Wii tracker when ever I could and sure enough I was able to snatch one of the etoys.com bundles up. I recommend using firefox with the auto refresh add-on to watch the Wii tracker. That way you don't have to continually press the refresh button every five seconds. THANKS AGAIN! AND GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF YOU! -P.S. Please don't buy a Wii with the intention of reselling it ... that is really a wrong thing to do and because of your actions there will be little children out there that will not get what they so hopefully wishing to get this Christmas.
Thank You so much for your wonderful site. Not only did it help me get the wii, but it gave me a jump start on Black Friday. This is my second year using you and as long as your around i'll be here. Thanks again!!
UPDATE ~~~ I just received a confirmed email that my WII is on the way from WALMART~ The WII is for the YOUNG AND OLD AND IN~BETWEEN:-) TONS OF FUN AND GETS YOU OFF OF THE COUCH:-) I was very lucky~ I played the WII Sunday and found one by Tuesday of this week b/c of your WII TRACKER~ PLEASE don't give up trying to get one~It may take some time, but keep checking on this wonderful tracker system~ I will use your tracker system again~ You are added to my FAV list~~ AGAIN MANY THANKS TO THE WII TRACKER AND HAVE A WONDERFUL HOLIDAY~ WII FAN 4 LIFE:-)
Thank you so much for what you do! We just so happened to see the Wii bundle at walmart.com after checking your site whenever possible. We ordered ours and 6 days later our Wii arrived today!! I keep staring at the box in disbelief that we managed to get one. You have made our Christmas...thank you!!!
I just want to say THANKS~ I played Nintendo Wii which had the 5 game disc included for the first time over my aunts house and was hooked:-) I did not realize what a demand for Nintendo Wii once I start checking to see where it was available! and it came out last year! (I should have been had it!)~~ I found your site don't ask me how, but I did~ and I was up 2 am this morning checking to see who had it available and WALMART had it online! ~~THANKS to your site TRACKER!. I rather pay the extra money for Nintendo Wii then to get SCAMMED!~~I know it will be delived safely~ Once I have it, I can add to my collection of games~ AGAIN THANKS for all your hard work for us Nintendo Wii FANS for LIFE~~~
THANK YOU BEN's BARGAINS! Like so many others, your website helped get this bleary-eyed parent a Wii for the kids for Christmas without giving our hard-earned money to the bay-sharks!! NOTE TO EVERYONE ELSE: don't be afraid to purchase that expensive package from Wal-Mart. I purchased it (just to get the console), and was EASILY able to return the 7 videos they make you select/buy before the credit card statement comes due. The only downside was the $40 in shipping that's not refundable, but I'd rather give it up for shipping than sharking!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
I found you website last week and have been updating it like crazy everyday. When I get lucky enough to find one available it gets snatched out of my cart before I can pay :) However today was my LUCKY DAY!!! Excellent website. I will keep it in my favorites for all of the hard to find items. My daughter is going to be soooooooooooo happy.
Thank you, thank you, thank you....I, too, thought I would not get a wii but today, out of the blue, I checked your site and saw one for sale. I was actually able to get on the website and purchase one before they went out of stock. Thank you again for your helpful website. My children are going to have an awesome Christmas!
Dear Wii Tracker, Thank you so much for the service you provide! I was able to find and purchase a Wii bundle through Wal-Mart thanks to you. I'm happy, my kids will be happy, and I didn't have to pay an arm and a leg to some greedy 3bayer!!
While I did not get the wii through the website, I did get it at the times square Toys R Us. Seeing that the wii was available and sold out in the middle of the eastern night on the toys r us website, I called the times square toys r us store to find out if they had any in stock Apparently, the indication that the website had the wii in stock over night was a sign that the actual store also received an inventory (300 wii's according to the manager on the phone) so, I gave it a shot and ran over there in 20 minutes and there was a line for the wii but it was very organized and quick thanks to this website for giving me a heads up (indirectly) to call the store. SO, if you see a store receive an inventory on line you should call your local store instead of paying those anti-holiday a$$es that are just hoarding the wii's and selling them for a 200% profit They expect to get more inventory before christmas, so call them at 8:15 AN every day and be prepared to run to your local store. Good luck to all
This is absolute INSANITY! I have been at this for TWO SOLID DAYS. I DID manage to make it ALL the way through checkout today for the WalMart Bundle - ONCE - only to find out I was STILL too late! It's CRAZY, and fun! - and I wonder how many other parents are sitting at their computers doing this??? lol Bless ALL of you - and GOOD LUCK! I'm afraid with my dratted slow dial-up I don't have a prayer of getting one. (But - I'm NOT giving up!) If anyone would happen to snag an extra console - just the plain old $250 deal (all I really can afford!) I WOULD BE ETERNALLY GRATEFUL AND SEND YOU BLESSINGS FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE! Happy Holidays crazy gamers! (And THANKS for this site - it's AWESOME!)
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! This site did its magic and there is going to be one happy boy on Christmas morning... just a not to people buy from places like costco,samsclub,go on the site and have all your info already saved,I lost on two chances because of that. Merry Christmas
It took 3 days of checking every 15-20 minutes but today we scored a basic console from Amazon! My advice on using the tracker is to keep at it. I tried on approximately 6 other "In Stock" times on different websites but was always just a little too late. Go to the websites you want to order from and set up a registration so that when the time comes, you can one-click your way through everything. That's what scored the Amazon order! Thank you WiiTracker!!!!!!!!
Much like many other posts, I too was ready to give up and I refuse to pay the rip off prices on 3bay and other sites, but was lucky enough to order a Customer Choice Wii Bundle from Walmart using your site. Thank you very much. Your website is truly a big help for the average joe.
Thank you so much for your site. We just got our confirmation on the purchase of a Wii system from Walmart along with 6 games our little guy is going to love. I've been hunting for this system and was ready to give up and try to come up with a story of why Santa didn't bring a Wii - thank you for your help in making our Christmas morning special this year.
What a great website you guys have here. I've been trying to get a Wii for my dad for Christmas this year. Simply put, I'd had no luck. I found your site, and two days later I've got the Wii headed to my house. To those out there reading the comments...This site is the real deal. Thanks for providing a great service, and making the holiday's a little easier on all of us.
Hey Ben, Thanks a bunch for the page and the AWESOME service! Received my Wii from Walmart today after a year of trying to find it. You made Christmas GREAT for my family this year! Thanks again so, so much!
Wow! Thanks for a great service! Kept checking the RSS feed yesterday. Missed the Costco bundle as I was entering all my registration data and they went out of stock. Luckily, saw the Buy.com bundle & quickly placed my order! Thanks!
Thanks for allowing the average consumer the chance to purchase a Wii. I've tried everything for 2 months and refused to pay more than retail price. I spent two days logged on to your site and BAM! I got a Wii. I'll be spreading the word.....
WiiTracker, I just wanted to thank you for developing this website. We where able to find a Wii at Buy.com. You guys are superior to the other Wii tracking sites. Gem
All I can say is your Wii tracker is awesome!! I was trying everything to find a Wii at the stores but I was having no luck. All I did was refresh your site every 10 minutes while I was at work and finally Toys R Us.com had the Wii for $250.00. Thanks for helping me find the perfect Christmas gift.
Thank you so much for providing the feed to track who has Wii's in stock. I thought I was doomed to not get a Wii in our house this Christmas but low and behold, your feed told me on Friday that Amazon.Com had the system on sale for 250.00 and I was able to link right to Amazon's site, purchase the system and it's being shipped today. Without your feed, this would not have been possible. I know I was fortunate because within 5 minutes, they were sold out again but I was one of the lucky ones. Thanks for making one of our presents under the tree something we've been longing for for a year now:) Happy Holidays!
After trying for weeks to get one in our area, we had just about given up... I tried your tracker one last time and it pointed us to Amazon where we got one for the original price. (We really couldn't afford one of the bundles.) Your tracker was just like Santa for our family --Thank you!
Thank you for this great service! I refreshed at the right time and obtained the $250 unit from Amazon. I did not add anything else to the cart and am an existing customer so I finished the process quickly, it worked!! Thanks again!!
comments: I just wanted to say Thank You for this site and what you do. I have been looking EVERYWHERE for the Nintendo Wii and thanks to your Wii Tracker, I was able to get one through Amazon.com as soon as it became available. Thank you SO SO SO much! Keep up the great work and have an awesome holiday season! :)
After I heard that BB will be selling the Wii at their B&M stores Sunday I thought I would have to stand in line hours before they opened. I just happened to check wiitracker this afternoon and Amazon had it in stock and I scored one! Great service! Thank You!
Me too...sat down at the pc & the amazon 250.00 units were available! After 2 weeks of checking this fantastic site, I finally purchased the "Santa Wii". Tips: don't give up, and it really helps to be already "registered" on the web site of puchase. Thanks for the tracker site & happy holidays!
Someone told me about the Wii Tracker the other day so I bookmarked it. Seeing how quickly Wii's go out of stock via the WiiTracker history, I immediately thought I stood no chance. Today I just happened upon the tracker within the very 10 min window that Wii's, the good $250 simple ones, not the enormously priced bundles, were available on Amazon. I got one. Yay! I'd given up already! Thank you!
Thank you very much for helping guide me buy Costco bundle as I kept refreshing my screen (F5 on Internet Explorer) once I saw your advice that Costco had something 19m (assumed that one would be available after 19 minutes), so I logged on right away, and one of my screen update really brought up the item on screen after which I added to cart and checked-out immediately (should have remembered the 4-digit code of my credit card too for even faster checkout)! You guys are very accurate and helpful! Kudos!
I seriously thought Amazon destroyed my Christmas. I had ordered 2 Wiis from them one for my family and one for my sisters. All the kids were so excited about getting one! I had already purchased 500.00 dollars worth of games to go with them, and Amazon cancelled my order with no warning! I was crying for days and my daughter told me she could solve my Wii problem by telling Santa she did not want everything else she asked for so he could give her the Wii. I searched everywhere online and in stores for days to no avail. With your site I was able to get two more Wiis from Best Buy for the same price I had originally paid Amazon! You Saved Our CHRISTMAS!
I used your site and just got a Wii Teen Bundle from Tareget - THANKS so much for your service! John
Used your site for about 3 days before I was able to get the Wii system from Amazon w/o having to get an large bundle. The tracker is an outstanding tool.
I have been searching for a Wii online and in stores for a while and to no avail. On November 13, I signed up for the Wii Tracker. I checked it around 1:30 pm on November 14 and saw that Amazon.com had it in stock. I immediately went to the site and bought what I believe to be the last one at that time. If it wasn't for this site, I probably wouldn't have checked today. Thank you so much and I'm sure my son will be grateful Christmas morning! Your site saved me time and stress. Awesome work!
We jumped in late to the Wii treasure hunt, having only recently decided that it would make a good X-mas gift for our young kids. The sticker shock when we looked on Ebay and the general lack of availability elsewhere at anything other than highway robbery prices nearly caused us to immediately rethink our plans. Then we found your site and shortly afterwards found a Wii on Amazon at retail. We grabbed it. Thanks!
Thanks for wiitracker. I was able to find cheapest wii with the help of this website. I have looked different store and website for last week but not able to find WII. I found cheapest WII within 2 days.
This site is everything it promises to be. I have been looking for the nintendo wii for two weeks and today I decided to sit here and stick with your site. I had three opportunites to purchase a wii. The first two slipped through my fingers, but the third one was what I really wanted, the basic package for $250 through Amazon. In a few minutes my order was complete and confirmed thanks to you. You have given two very wonderful girls their Christmas wish, Thank you so much. Nina
Wow, what a site. My girls have been begging for a Wii for Christmas, and I've been telling them to not get their hopes up as regular folks like us will never be able to get one. And then I found this site, and two days later, thanks to you, I got one coming from Amazon (with no tax and free shipping). Thank you very much for making me feel like a magical Santa.
Thanks for the great website, found it via a search engine after missing the last one at Toys R Us by minutes yesterday! Found one on-line at Best Buy, ordered, kids will be happy. Can't believe assistant at Toys R Us told me she had 200 more in the storeroom out back, but couldn't sell them as they are only bringing out a few every few days!!! Talk about trying to milk you by having to visit the stores every day - never mind the gas bill.
Your site is great. Thought I was doomed to overpaying on EBAY for a Wii. But just before I finally decided to place a bid, you showed that Best Buy had the console in stock again. Saved me a $100. Thanks !
Wii Tracker made it SO convenient to find a Wii. I simply left your site up on my desktop, hit refresh now & then - and VOILA...a Wii! I was helping a friend find one for her 12-year old son. She says: THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
I caught wind of your sight from the article about the Pres of Nintendo stating he cannot produce enough Wii systems. Thanks to you I was able to find it online at Toys R US. I have been telling everyone about this site. There will be a 10 year old little girl and 6 year old little boy very happy on Christmas morning thanks to you. This is all they wanted! You rock!!
Thank you so much for your wii tracker website. I began looking several days ago, and stumbled upon your site at that time. I've been checking, going to stores, etc. This AM while on the phone, I just happened to see that circuit city had some in stock, and I landed one. Never would have gotten it without your site. Thank you so very much!
Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for who created this website. My 2 kids asked for the Nintendo Wii for Christmas and never thought I'd be able to find this for them. I found your website through a search engine and after 2 days of monitoring your page. I found the Wii at Amazon.com. and the bonus was free shipping and no sales tax. I can't believe the demand for this video system. Thank you again for helping us shoppers deliver the goods to the kids. They're going to be psyched on Christmas morning. Hats off to you guys! Happy Holidays Kim
Thanks for this great service you offer. After finally deciding to get a Wii for my kids for Christmas, I called around to local stores to find they are very scarce. I found your site doing a search on google and have been checking it since yesterday. Thanks to you, I was able to purchase a Wii from Frys.com this morning. I had never even heard of Frys, so would not ever have looked there. Thanks again.
Thanks to you I was able to order a Wii from Circuit City. It is shipped and on its way. I don't know if I would have found one if it wasn't for your website!!1
Thanks to your site, my son will be receiving a Wii for Christmas. I stumbled across the website via a search engine. I took a look, and to my surprise Toys R Us had systems in stock. I know how hard they are to find, so I grabbed one right away. Thanks again.
Nabbed a Wii from Toys R Us yesterday thanks to Wii Tracker. I began my hunt for a Wii only 2 days ago. Wii Tracker made it happen for me that fast!
Thank you very much for your website. I got a Wii in two days of searching from Sears.com!
I just wanted to thank you for your great service! I put your full history into a spreadsheet to analyze how fast wii's sell out and quickly realized I would never be able to get one at retail if I only checked your site once a day. I set up an account at feedmailer and had your RSS feed update me by email hourly. At 7AM on a Sunday morning I saw there were some in stock and managed to get one! Thanks again!
searched, found your site, linked to walmart, got a super bundle at normal retail price. fab
Thank you for providing this service. I am looking for a Wii for my husband who has Parkinsons. We played it and were hooked. My husband can't do bowling or play tennis any longer but he was able to play the Wii. So as you can imagine I am wanting to find one of these. I am watching your website religiously. I could have used you years back when my kids wanted that "hard to find" Christmas gift. Thanks again!
I checked your site religiously until I was able to buy my own Wii. Finally saw one in stock at Circuit City. I even check the site now out of curiousity of current Wii stock. Thanks again from a happy gamer.
Just wanted to let you know how helpful this site is, although I have not been able to purchase a wii console yet. The problem I have had to date is that although websites list a console in stock and available, the store is only offering it in a bundle for an additional $100. For example Circuit City has on it's website that they have available just the wii console for $249.99. They will not sell this to you despite the website saying you can. They want to sell a bundle for $360.
Thank you for maintaining this tracker site. After several frustrating experiences attempting to purchase a Wii from Sears and Costco, I was able to purchase one from PC Connection. The order went throughout without problems and has already been shipped. This saved me from driving all over looking for a Wii in a store, and PC Connection provides free shipping. Thanks!
I have been vigilant for about 2 weeks trying to track down the sought after Wii,and today I found and purchased one on Sears.com because of your site.Thank you. A. Celentano
Thank you so much for your site - you helped me snag a Wii last week from ToysRus.com during one of the short windows of availability - my kids are going to be thrilled on Christmas! Thanks again!
Thanks guys for making my wish come true! My wife has been tracking Wii on your site for a couple of weeks and she assigned me this job today. In my 8th page refresh (2nd hour of vigilance) I found Wii's on Amazon (the $250 kind)and bought one. Of course, I got yelled at for not buying 3....oh well :-( Thanks again !
Thank you guys so much! I have been looking for a WIi (obviously to no avail) since the day it came out and I finally got one today because of your site. You guys rock! I will definitley be using your site to track any hard to find items I may need in the future. Thanks again!
I just wanted to say thank you for having this great website. I'd been looking everywhere trying to find a Wii, both locally and on the web, without any luck. It was the only present my son asked for this year. I had just about given up on finding one before I found this site. Your web site showed that a retailer had it in stock and I was able to place an order before they sold out again in less than 2 minutes. I would have never been able to do that without this site. Thank you for making one little boy's Christmas wish come true.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. I always miss the early morning buyouts at local retailers, so the Wii tracker is the only way I can actually shop for a Wii and be successful. I finally got in on time and got my Wii! Thank You Much!
Thanks very much for the free use of ur wii tracker site! it was very useful.. for about 4 months i have been calling places looking for the wii, and yesterday... i noticed that it was in stock at walmart, and i called them up... yep, they had 10.. in 20 mins i got there & there were only 5 left.. I got one of them.. & thanks to this site, I have a Wii, so thank you.
This website ROCKS! I've been looking in stores for the last month and never could find one. I heard about the website thru a newspaper article and decided to try it this past weekend. On Monday I was able to buy a bundle from Toys-R-Us. I told two other co-workers about the site and they also got one. It arrived on Thursday without a hitch. If you're worried abot getting games you don't want, I spoke to a Toys-R-Us customer representative today who told me I could mail back any games I don't want for a refund (and keep the console).
I started my Wii quest this week after finding out that my wife was trying to surprise me with one this Christmas. She was having no luck so I started using this site and today I got a Wii from Amazon. I was so excited to see it available, I clicked and bought one right away. After I was done, I wasn't even sure what I bought because I wanted to purchase it quickly before it went out of stock. Now we will have a fun Christmas playing with our new toy. I really appreciate the folks that put this site together. I was starting to think that I was SOL. Leveraging technology and having patience was key. Thank you!
Thanks a million. My boyfriend thought Christmas was ruined after waiting outside stores in the cold 3 weekends in a row and always missing a Wii by a few people. All he had for me were controllers, a game and no Wii console to go with them. Thanks to your site I got a Wii on amazon this morning and Christmas is saved! I really hope the majority of people benefitting from this site are people like me who desparately want one, and not the people trying to make a profit on ebay!!
Even this late, December 21st, Amazon says I'll have it on the 24th. Thank you so much, I still can't believe I was able to get one!!
I too join the lucky others who were able to secure a Wii because of your website. I ordered the Walmart bundle and everything was delivered as promised. The bundle is for my godson and I can hardly wait until Christmas. This Christmas will be extra special because of you! Many thanks and Merry Christmas!!
Thank you so much!!! I got my Wii today from Amazon for 258! Your site worked great, and was right on!!! Thanks for making my husbands xmas extra special!!!
My daughter is getting her wii under the tree this year, and its all thanks to you!!!
I want to thank you for such a great service. I just grabbed a WII from Sears. No way I would have been able to purchase without this site. Happy Holiday to all of you.
this website is amazing and I was finally able to get my hands on a Wii! thanks!!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SETTING UP THIS SITE!! My family and I decided to get a Wii as a sort of family Christmas gift but we were all sure that we wouldn't be able to find one until well after the holidays. I was the hopeful in the family and made sure I kept my eye on the Wii tracker when ever I could and sure enough I was able to snatch one of the etoys.com bundles up. I recommend using firefox with the auto refresh add-on to watch the Wii tracker. That way you don't have to continually press the refresh button every five seconds. THANKS AGAIN! AND GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF YOU! -P.S. Please don't buy a Wii with the intention of reselling it ... that is really a wrong thing to do and because of your actions there will be little children out there that will not get what they so hopefully wishing to get this Christmas.
Thank You so much for your wonderful site. Not only did it help me get the wii, but it gave me a jump start on Black Friday. This is my second year using you and as long as your around i'll be here. Thanks again!!
UPDATE ~~~ I just received a confirmed email that my WII is on the way from WALMART~ The WII is for the YOUNG AND OLD AND IN~BETWEEN:-) TONS OF FUN AND GETS YOU OFF OF THE COUCH:-) I was very lucky~ I played the WII Sunday and found one by Tuesday of this week b/c of your WII TRACKER~ PLEASE don't give up trying to get one~It may take some time, but keep checking on this wonderful tracker system~ I will use your tracker system again~ You are added to my FAV list~~ AGAIN MANY THANKS TO THE WII TRACKER AND HAVE A WONDERFUL HOLIDAY~ WII FAN 4 LIFE:-)
Thank you so much for what you do! We just so happened to see the Wii bundle at walmart.com after checking your site whenever possible. We ordered ours and 6 days later our Wii arrived today!! I keep staring at the box in disbelief that we managed to get one. You have made our Christmas...thank you!!!
I just want to say THANKS~ I played Nintendo Wii which had the 5 game disc included for the first time over my aunts house and was hooked:-) I did not realize what a demand for Nintendo Wii once I start checking to see where it was available! and it came out last year! (I should have been had it!)~~ I found your site don't ask me how, but I did~ and I was up 2 am this morning checking to see who had it available and WALMART had it online! ~~THANKS to your site TRACKER!. I rather pay the extra money for Nintendo Wii then to get SCAMMED!~~I know it will be delived safely~ Once I have it, I can add to my collection of games~ AGAIN THANKS for all your hard work for us Nintendo Wii FANS for LIFE~~~
THANK YOU BEN's BARGAINS! Like so many others, your website helped get this bleary-eyed parent a Wii for the kids for Christmas without giving our hard-earned money to the bay-sharks!! NOTE TO EVERYONE ELSE: don't be afraid to purchase that expensive package from Wal-Mart. I purchased it (just to get the console), and was EASILY able to return the 7 videos they make you select/buy before the credit card statement comes due. The only downside was the $40 in shipping that's not refundable, but I'd rather give it up for shipping than sharking!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
I found you website last week and have been updating it like crazy everyday. When I get lucky enough to find one available it gets snatched out of my cart before I can pay :) However today was my LUCKY DAY!!! Excellent website. I will keep it in my favorites for all of the hard to find items. My daughter is going to be soooooooooooo happy.
Thank you, thank you, thank you....I, too, thought I would not get a wii but today, out of the blue, I checked your site and saw one for sale. I was actually able to get on the website and purchase one before they went out of stock. Thank you again for your helpful website. My children are going to have an awesome Christmas!
Dear Wii Tracker, Thank you so much for the service you provide! I was able to find and purchase a Wii bundle through Wal-Mart thanks to you. I'm happy, my kids will be happy, and I didn't have to pay an arm and a leg to some greedy 3bayer!!
While I did not get the wii through the website, I did get it at the times square Toys R Us. Seeing that the wii was available and sold out in the middle of the eastern night on the toys r us website, I called the times square toys r us store to find out if they had any in stock Apparently, the indication that the website had the wii in stock over night was a sign that the actual store also received an inventory (300 wii's according to the manager on the phone) so, I gave it a shot and ran over there in 20 minutes and there was a line for the wii but it was very organized and quick thanks to this website for giving me a heads up (indirectly) to call the store. SO, if you see a store receive an inventory on line you should call your local store instead of paying those anti-holiday a$$es that are just hoarding the wii's and selling them for a 200% profit They expect to get more inventory before christmas, so call them at 8:15 AN every day and be prepared to run to your local store. Good luck to all
This is absolute INSANITY! I have been at this for TWO SOLID DAYS. I DID manage to make it ALL the way through checkout today for the WalMart Bundle - ONCE - only to find out I was STILL too late! It's CRAZY, and fun! - and I wonder how many other parents are sitting at their computers doing this??? lol Bless ALL of you - and GOOD LUCK! I'm afraid with my dratted slow dial-up I don't have a prayer of getting one. (But - I'm NOT giving up!) If anyone would happen to snag an extra console - just the plain old $250 deal (all I really can afford!) I WOULD BE ETERNALLY GRATEFUL AND SEND YOU BLESSINGS FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE! Happy Holidays crazy gamers! (And THANKS for this site - it's AWESOME!)
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! This site did its magic and there is going to be one happy boy on Christmas morning... just a not to people buy from places like costco,samsclub,go on the site and have all your info already saved,I lost on two chances because of that. Merry Christmas
It took 3 days of checking every 15-20 minutes but today we scored a basic console from Amazon! My advice on using the tracker is to keep at it. I tried on approximately 6 other "In Stock" times on different websites but was always just a little too late. Go to the websites you want to order from and set up a registration so that when the time comes, you can one-click your way through everything. That's what scored the Amazon order! Thank you WiiTracker!!!!!!!!
Much like many other posts, I too was ready to give up and I refuse to pay the rip off prices on 3bay and other sites, but was lucky enough to order a Customer Choice Wii Bundle from Walmart using your site. Thank you very much. Your website is truly a big help for the average joe.
Thank you so much for your site. We just got our confirmation on the purchase of a Wii system from Walmart along with 6 games our little guy is going to love. I've been hunting for this system and was ready to give up and try to come up with a story of why Santa didn't bring a Wii - thank you for your help in making our Christmas morning special this year.
What a great website you guys have here. I've been trying to get a Wii for my dad for Christmas this year. Simply put, I'd had no luck. I found your site, and two days later I've got the Wii headed to my house. To those out there reading the comments...This site is the real deal. Thanks for providing a great service, and making the holiday's a little easier on all of us.
Hey Ben, Thanks a bunch for the page and the AWESOME service! Received my Wii from Walmart today after a year of trying to find it. You made Christmas GREAT for my family this year! Thanks again so, so much!
Wow! Thanks for a great service! Kept checking the RSS feed yesterday. Missed the Costco bundle as I was entering all my registration data and they went out of stock. Luckily, saw the Buy.com bundle & quickly placed my order! Thanks!
Thanks for allowing the average consumer the chance to purchase a Wii. I've tried everything for 2 months and refused to pay more than retail price. I spent two days logged on to your site and BAM! I got a Wii. I'll be spreading the word.....
WiiTracker, I just wanted to thank you for developing this website. We where able to find a Wii at Buy.com. You guys are superior to the other Wii tracking sites. Gem
All I can say is your Wii tracker is awesome!! I was trying everything to find a Wii at the stores but I was having no luck. All I did was refresh your site every 10 minutes while I was at work and finally Toys R Us.com had the Wii for $250.00. Thanks for helping me find the perfect Christmas gift.
Thank you so much for providing the feed to track who has Wii's in stock. I thought I was doomed to not get a Wii in our house this Christmas but low and behold, your feed told me on Friday that Amazon.Com had the system on sale for 250.00 and I was able to link right to Amazon's site, purchase the system and it's being shipped today. Without your feed, this would not have been possible. I know I was fortunate because within 5 minutes, they were sold out again but I was one of the lucky ones. Thanks for making one of our presents under the tree something we've been longing for for a year now:) Happy Holidays!
After trying for weeks to get one in our area, we had just about given up... I tried your tracker one last time and it pointed us to Amazon where we got one for the original price. (We really couldn't afford one of the bundles.) Your tracker was just like Santa for our family --Thank you!
Thank you for this great service! I refreshed at the right time and obtained the $250 unit from Amazon. I did not add anything else to the cart and am an existing customer so I finished the process quickly, it worked!! Thanks again!!
comments: I just wanted to say Thank You for this site and what you do. I have been looking EVERYWHERE for the Nintendo Wii and thanks to your Wii Tracker, I was able to get one through Amazon.com as soon as it became available. Thank you SO SO SO much! Keep up the great work and have an awesome holiday season! :)
After I heard that BB will be selling the Wii at their B&M stores Sunday I thought I would have to stand in line hours before they opened. I just happened to check wiitracker this afternoon and Amazon had it in stock and I scored one! Great service! Thank You!
Me too...sat down at the pc & the amazon 250.00 units were available! After 2 weeks of checking this fantastic site, I finally purchased the "Santa Wii". Tips: don't give up, and it really helps to be already "registered" on the web site of puchase. Thanks for the tracker site & happy holidays!
Someone told me about the Wii Tracker the other day so I bookmarked it. Seeing how quickly Wii's go out of stock via the WiiTracker history, I immediately thought I stood no chance. Today I just happened upon the tracker within the very 10 min window that Wii's, the good $250 simple ones, not the enormously priced bundles, were available on Amazon. I got one. Yay! I'd given up already! Thank you!
Thank you very much for helping guide me buy Costco bundle as I kept refreshing my screen (F5 on Internet Explorer) once I saw your advice that Costco had something 19m (assumed that one would be available after 19 minutes), so I logged on right away, and one of my screen update really brought up the item on screen after which I added to cart and checked-out immediately (should have remembered the 4-digit code of my credit card too for even faster checkout)! You guys are very accurate and helpful! Kudos!
I seriously thought Amazon destroyed my Christmas. I had ordered 2 Wiis from them one for my family and one for my sisters. All the kids were so excited about getting one! I had already purchased 500.00 dollars worth of games to go with them, and Amazon cancelled my order with no warning! I was crying for days and my daughter told me she could solve my Wii problem by telling Santa she did not want everything else she asked for so he could give her the Wii. I searched everywhere online and in stores for days to no avail. With your site I was able to get two more Wiis from Best Buy for the same price I had originally paid Amazon! You Saved Our CHRISTMAS!
I used your site and just got a Wii Teen Bundle from Tareget - THANKS so much for your service! John
Used your site for about 3 days before I was able to get the Wii system from Amazon w/o having to get an large bundle. The tracker is an outstanding tool.
I have been searching for a Wii online and in stores for a while and to no avail. On November 13, I signed up for the Wii Tracker. I checked it around 1:30 pm on November 14 and saw that Amazon.com had it in stock. I immediately went to the site and bought what I believe to be the last one at that time. If it wasn't for this site, I probably wouldn't have checked today. Thank you so much and I'm sure my son will be grateful Christmas morning! Your site saved me time and stress. Awesome work!
We jumped in late to the Wii treasure hunt, having only recently decided that it would make a good X-mas gift for our young kids. The sticker shock when we looked on Ebay and the general lack of availability elsewhere at anything other than highway robbery prices nearly caused us to immediately rethink our plans. Then we found your site and shortly afterwards found a Wii on Amazon at retail. We grabbed it. Thanks!
Thanks for wiitracker. I was able to find cheapest wii with the help of this website. I have looked different store and website for last week but not able to find WII. I found cheapest WII within 2 days.
This site is everything it promises to be. I have been looking for the nintendo wii for two weeks and today I decided to sit here and stick with your site. I had three opportunites to purchase a wii. The first two slipped through my fingers, but the third one was what I really wanted, the basic package for $250 through Amazon. In a few minutes my order was complete and confirmed thanks to you. You have given two very wonderful girls their Christmas wish, Thank you so much. Nina
Wow, what a site. My girls have been begging for a Wii for Christmas, and I've been telling them to not get their hopes up as regular folks like us will never be able to get one. And then I found this site, and two days later, thanks to you, I got one coming from Amazon (with no tax and free shipping). Thank you very much for making me feel like a magical Santa.
Thanks for the great website, found it via a search engine after missing the last one at Toys R Us by minutes yesterday! Found one on-line at Best Buy, ordered, kids will be happy. Can't believe assistant at Toys R Us told me she had 200 more in the storeroom out back, but couldn't sell them as they are only bringing out a few every few days!!! Talk about trying to milk you by having to visit the stores every day - never mind the gas bill.
Your site is great. Thought I was doomed to overpaying on EBAY for a Wii. But just before I finally decided to place a bid, you showed that Best Buy had the console in stock again. Saved me a $100. Thanks !
Wii Tracker made it SO convenient to find a Wii. I simply left your site up on my desktop, hit refresh now & then - and VOILA...a Wii! I was helping a friend find one for her 12-year old son. She says: THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
I caught wind of your sight from the article about the Pres of Nintendo stating he cannot produce enough Wii systems. Thanks to you I was able to find it online at Toys R US. I have been telling everyone about this site. There will be a 10 year old little girl and 6 year old little boy very happy on Christmas morning thanks to you. This is all they wanted! You rock!!
Thank you so much for your wii tracker website. I began looking several days ago, and stumbled upon your site at that time. I've been checking, going to stores, etc. This AM while on the phone, I just happened to see that circuit city had some in stock, and I landed one. Never would have gotten it without your site. Thank you so very much!
Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for who created this website. My 2 kids asked for the Nintendo Wii for Christmas and never thought I'd be able to find this for them. I found your website through a search engine and after 2 days of monitoring your page. I found the Wii at Amazon.com. and the bonus was free shipping and no sales tax. I can't believe the demand for this video system. Thank you again for helping us shoppers deliver the goods to the kids. They're going to be psyched on Christmas morning. Hats off to you guys! Happy Holidays Kim
Thanks for this great service you offer. After finally deciding to get a Wii for my kids for Christmas, I called around to local stores to find they are very scarce. I found your site doing a search on google and have been checking it since yesterday. Thanks to you, I was able to purchase a Wii from Frys.com this morning. I had never even heard of Frys, so would not ever have looked there. Thanks again.
Thanks to you I was able to order a Wii from Circuit City. It is shipped and on its way. I don't know if I would have found one if it wasn't for your website!!1
Thanks to your site, my son will be receiving a Wii for Christmas. I stumbled across the website via a search engine. I took a look, and to my surprise Toys R Us had systems in stock. I know how hard they are to find, so I grabbed one right away. Thanks again.
Nabbed a Wii from Toys R Us yesterday thanks to Wii Tracker. I began my hunt for a Wii only 2 days ago. Wii Tracker made it happen for me that fast!
Thank you very much for your website. I got a Wii in two days of searching from Sears.com!
I just wanted to thank you for your great service! I put your full history into a spreadsheet to analyze how fast wii's sell out and quickly realized I would never be able to get one at retail if I only checked your site once a day. I set up an account at feedmailer and had your RSS feed update me by email hourly. At 7AM on a Sunday morning I saw there were some in stock and managed to get one! Thanks again!
searched, found your site, linked to walmart, got a super bundle at normal retail price. fab
Thank you for providing this service. I am looking for a Wii for my husband who has Parkinsons. We played it and were hooked. My husband can't do bowling or play tennis any longer but he was able to play the Wii. So as you can imagine I am wanting to find one of these. I am watching your website religiously. I could have used you years back when my kids wanted that "hard to find" Christmas gift. Thanks again!
I checked your site religiously until I was able to buy my own Wii. Finally saw one in stock at Circuit City. I even check the site now out of curiousity of current Wii stock. Thanks again from a happy gamer.
Just wanted to let you know how helpful this site is, although I have not been able to purchase a wii console yet. The problem I have had to date is that although websites list a console in stock and available, the store is only offering it in a bundle for an additional $100. For example Circuit City has on it's website that they have available just the wii console for $249.99. They will not sell this to you despite the website saying you can. They want to sell a bundle for $360.
Thank you for maintaining this tracker site. After several frustrating experiences attempting to purchase a Wii from Sears and Costco, I was able to purchase one from PC Connection. The order went throughout without problems and has already been shipped. This saved me from driving all over looking for a Wii in a store, and PC Connection provides free shipping. Thanks!
I have been vigilant for about 2 weeks trying to track down the sought after Wii,and today I found and purchased one on Sears.com because of your site.Thank you. A. Celentano
Thank you so much for your site - you helped me snag a Wii last week from ToysRus.com during one of the short windows of availability - my kids are going to be thrilled on Christmas! Thanks again!
Thanks guys for making my wish come true! My wife has been tracking Wii on your site for a couple of weeks and she assigned me this job today. In my 8th page refresh (2nd hour of vigilance) I found Wii's on Amazon (the $250 kind)and bought one. Of course, I got yelled at for not buying 3....oh well :-( Thanks again !
Thank you guys so much! I have been looking for a WIi (obviously to no avail) since the day it came out and I finally got one today because of your site. You guys rock! I will definitley be using your site to track any hard to find items I may need in the future. Thanks again!
I just wanted to say thank you for having this great website. I'd been looking everywhere trying to find a Wii, both locally and on the web, without any luck. It was the only present my son asked for this year. I had just about given up on finding one before I found this site. Your web site showed that a retailer had it in stock and I was able to place an order before they sold out again in less than 2 minutes. I would have never been able to do that without this site. Thank you for making one little boy's Christmas wish come true.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. I always miss the early morning buyouts at local retailers, so the Wii tracker is the only way I can actually shop for a Wii and be successful. I finally got in on time and got my Wii! Thank You Much!
Thanks very much for the free use of ur wii tracker site! it was very useful.. for about 4 months i have been calling places looking for the wii, and yesterday... i noticed that it was in stock at walmart, and i called them up... yep, they had 10.. in 20 mins i got there & there were only 5 left.. I got one of them.. & thanks to this site, I have a Wii, so thank you.